Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cherry Bomb Blonde

Sampling at 11 days bottle conditioning.  Color: Amber with ruby red tones.  Aroma: Sweet grain and sweet and tart cherries.  Flavor: sweet cherries up front transitions to tart cherries and black currant from the Bramling Cross hops, then gives way to subtle sweet grain with a slightly tart, bitter, almost tannic finish likely due to the cherry puree.  I think an extra week or so of bottle conditioning will smooth it out.


  1. Saw this recipe on brewtoad. I was just thinking of doing a cherry blonde. How did this turn out? What kind of puree did you use?

  2. Ben, this one turned out great! It has a light cherry flavor and the blonde ale has a nice graininess to it. The black currant aroma from the Bramling Cross hops accentuates the cherry. I don't like fruit beers where all you can taste is the fruit. I still like the beer to come through as well.

    I used Vintner's Harvest Cherry Puree (3 lb can) from my local homebrew store. It is a very drinkable beer. In fact, I gave a few bottles to friends that don't usually drink craft beer and they loved it.
