Wednesday, February 1, 2012

American Amber Ale

Hello all!  I am in the process of brewing as we speak.  I am making an American Amber Ale with 7 pounds of base malt and specialty grains as a partial mash.  I'll be adding 3 lbs of Dry Malt Extract to get within specifications.  I'm almost ready to make the leap to all-grain brewing!  (Still need a few more pieces of equipment.)  Anyhow, my wife Janell wanted me to brew a "normal" beer to drink.  So this will be it!  Great color so far!  Smells awesome!  It's about 30 minutes into the boil so I'll be adding the dry malt extract and bittering hops shortly.  Then it will boil for another 60 minutes and I will add more hop additions at 10 minutes and 1 minute left on the boil.  Then it will be cooling time.  I'll keep you posted!  Thanks for reading!  Cheers! 

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